Santee Indian Mound and Fort Watson Site"The large hill at Santee National Wildlife Refuge is known as the Santee Indian Mound and Fort Watson. The Santee Indians were part of the Mississippian culture, living along the Santee River for thousands of years. The mound itself is estimated to at least 1,000 years old. It served as the ceremonial site and a burial for the Native American tribe. The site at Scott's Lake is the largest such mound discovered on the coastal plain to this date. We believe Santee tribe numbered approximately 3,000 around 1650 when the early Spanish were exploring the area. By 1715, the tribe had been reduced to around 500 people. The drop is attributed to diseases brought by the early settlers.
The mound took on a new meaning at the end of the 18th century, when it was re-purposed by British troops as an outpost, which they named Fort Watson after the British Colonel, John Watson, who directed the construction of the fort."
-- from Discover South Carolina
Photo from the S.C. Picture Project