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W. Brent Burgin Archives: Chicora

The W. Brent Burgin Archives is home to the Native American Studies Archives and Special Collections and the USC Lancaster Archives.

Chicora in the Crediford Collection

Procession of dancers at the Chicora Powwow.

Late 20th Century. Photo by Gene Crediford.

Chicora Indians

Year end recaps for the tribe 2013-2015.

Francisco Chicora

   Francisco de Chicora was the baptismal name given to a Native American kidnapped from South Carolina in 1521. He and 70 others were taken from near the mouth of the Pee Dee River by Spanish Explorer Francisco Gordillo and slave trader Pedro de Quexos.

   Francisco de Chicora was taken to Spain, where he met chronicler Peter Martyr and told him about the Chicora tribe. Martyr published this information as the "Testimony of Francisco de Chicora" within his larger collection of eyewitness accounts titled De Orbe Novo in 1530.

Chicora Indian Day

USC Lancaster
University of South Carolina Lancaster Medford Library, 476 Hubbard Drive, Lancaster, SC 29720
Circulation Desk: 803.313.7060
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