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W. Brent Burgin Archives: Chaloklowa Chickasaw

The W. Brent Burgin Archives is home to the Native American Studies Archives and Special Collections and the USC Lancaster Archives.

The Chickasaw Indians

Today, the Chaloklowa Chickasaw Indians are headquartered in the unincorporated community of Indiantown, near Hemingway in rural Williamsburg County, South Carolina. The tribes members live in and around the counties of Florence, Marion, and Williamsburg. Led by Chief Vernon Tanner and Vice-Chief Joe Tanner, the tribe focuses on educating the area about their ancestors and current existence. Chief Tanner has said one of the leading Chaloklowa Chickasaws missions is educational programs in schools or other community activities with citizens of all ages as a way to share Native American culture and dispel myths about indigenous people.



USC Lancaster
University of South Carolina Lancaster Medford Library, 476 Hubbard Drive, Lancaster, SC 29720
Circulation Desk: 803.313.7060
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