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W. Brent Burgin Archives: Wassamasaw Tribe of Varnertown Indians

The W. Brent Burgin Archives is home to the Native American Studies Archives and Special Collections and the USC Lancaster Archives.


The Wassamasaw Tribal Community

Wassamasaw in the Gene Crediford Collection

Members of the Wassamasaw Tribe

Stella and Arthur Clark, members of the Wassamasaw Tribe standing with their grandsons. Late 20th century. Photo by Gene Crediford.

Wassamasaw Tribe of Varnertown Indians

Family reunion of the Clarks, Varnertown Indians. Rear row, L to R: Sherman, Becky, Guen, Robbie Jr., Dusty, Daniel. Middle row, L to R: Dillion, Joshua Shane, Marvin, Robbie, Ethel and Affiegale (sitting on lap). Front row, L to R: Brittan, Loren, Robin, Pam. C. 1997. Near Summerville, South Carolina. Photo by Gene Crediford (Clark Family Part 3). 

Wassamasaw Tribe of Varnertown Indians

From Left to Right: Robbie Clark, Ethel Clark, and daughter, Geneva. C. 1997. Near Summerville, South Carolina. Photo by Gene Crediford.

Wassamasaw Tribe of Varnertown Indians

Robbie Clark with his family members. C. 1997. Summerville, South Carolina. Photo by Gene Crediford.

Wassamasaw Tribe of Varnertown Indians

Left to Right: Robbie Clark Jr., Melvin Clark, and Joe Hampton Clark. The Clark brothers were the subjects of Marion Post Wolcott's 1938 photographs entitled "Summerville Indians." C. 1997. Near Summerville, South Carolina. Photo by John Crediford.

USC Lancaster
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