The ensure you get the most from your visit, please take time to review the Reading Room Policy, complete a Researcher Registration form, and schedule a time to visit. Making an appointment ahead of time is simply to ensure the archivist is available to open the archives for you. It also allows the archivist to pull any resources you are interested in reviewing. This will save you time and help ensure a successful research visit. Items can be viewed in the Reading Room only and are not available for loan.
Not sure which resources you will need? Not a problem! Let us know the focus of your research and we can suggest items that may be of use.
Who qualifies as a researcher? A researcher is anyone looking to answer a question or solve a problem through the materials found in the archives. This may be scholarly pursuits or personal interests.
Please fill out the Researcher Registration Form and read and sign the Reading Room Policy before your first visit. If you are a returning visitor, you do not need to complete these forms again.
Native American Studies Center Visitor Policies.