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W. Brent Burgin Archives: Gene Crediford Photo Collection

The W. Brent Burgin Archives is home to the Native American Studies Archives and Special Collections and the USC Lancaster Archives.


Edisto PowWow

Patriotic bustle.

Pee Dee Indians

Bessie and Tom Hunt. Tom has been a farm laborer all his life for the same employers.

Pee Dee Indians Picking Cucumbers

Blondel Chavis and family picking cucumbers. Tobacco barn in the background. C. 1991.

Unidentified Powwow

Young dancers.

Unidentified Powwow

Dancers with regalia.

Santee Chief Oscar Pratt

Pratt on his 100-acre farm with some of his pigs. C. 1985.

Edisto PowWow

Young dancers in regalia.

Unity PowWow

Unity Pow Wow taking place on the South Carolina State House Grounds. 

Smithsonian Collection

A collection of Crediford's works are held in the National Anthropological Archives in Washington, D.C. The "Gene J. Crediford photographs of Native Americans of South Carolina, 1984-1987" collection six mounted color prints and 14 mounted silver gelatins. This group includes images of Pee Dee, Edisto, Santee and Catawba people, Native American churches and religious practices, powwows, pottery and pottery making, and the interior of a home at Four Holes Indian Community.

The Collection


USC Lancaster
University of South Carolina Lancaster Medford Library, 476 Hubbard Drive, Lancaster, SC 29720
Circulation Desk: 803.313.7060
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